Thursday, March 12, 2009

Jim Verraros

Very early in the competition, America wasn't used to Simon's barbs, because Jim Verraros was claimed by Simon to have been voted through by the public out of sympathy after Simon blasted his semi-finals performance.

Jim was voted off the first week of the finals, but since has developed a respectable career. He is openly gay (he actually wasn't closeted on the show, but rather they just discouraged him from being completely open about it) and has appeared in the gay-themed "Eating Out" film franchise. He has released two albums with a third (Do Not Disturb) on the way. He is not currently signed with a label.

He also underwent quite a makeover:

He looks terrific. From his MySpace:

Secondly, a lot of people have asked me how I changed my body. Well, I'll let you all in on a little secret: there IS NO SECRET. I've been busting my ass for four months in the gym, weight training 6 days a week, increased my protein intake, and slowed down my cardio. There is no pill, no secret workout video or piece of shit machine that I bought on a late night infomercial--- nothing. Just hard work, and diet.

Why did I decide to change my body? Because for years I've had an awful struggle with my weight, my self image, and I got to the point where I was ready to change my life; because in the end it is a COMPLETE LIFE STYLE CHANGE. The reason why diets don't work for so many people is because they're not willing to commit and go the distance; or they give up too soon when they feel they've reached a plateau or don't see the results they want to see in a week. It takes SO MUCH HARD WORK and commitment. You have to be mentally and physically ready to devote a lot of time to yourself and your body. Plain and simple.


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