Sunday, March 15, 2009

Justinn Waddell

Justinn was on the receiving end on some rather inconsistent feedback re: his performance of When a Man Loves a Woman. Paula was positive, Randy commented on his outfit (positively? negatively?), then Simon was rather critical before saying "well done". Inconsistent feedback? On American Idol? Good thing that doesn't happen anymore.

promo shot for his album

Justinn certainly didn't slow down after he left the show. Now going by the name Frankee Razor, I could tell you about what he done since then, but since Frankee was kind enough to take the time to tell me about what he's up to, I will let him speak for himself:
Since Idol, I've changed my name to Frankee Razor "ur local Hip Hop Jimi Hendrix". I've tour and performed with Eric Benet, Faith Evans, Jamie Foxx, and a host of others. I'm near completion of my own reality show set to air in 2010.

I am the founder and CEO of Frankee Razor Music, an Entertainment Company specializing in production and distribution of Music, Television, and Film.

Music Wise, I am spearheading the Urban Rock Movement, merging Hip Hop, Soul and Rock. It'd be awesome to tell everyone to Join the Movement by going to and add me as a friend.

Basically, Idol was a blessing beyond measure, Simon was my favorite judge, and Paula gave me some advice that I will hold dear for the rest of my life. Rodesia Eaves, Khaleef Chiles, and Kelli Glover are still my best friends. I see American Idol as a fraternity, that no one can understand unless they experience it. There is a instant solidarity past American Idols have with each other, regardless of season or ranking; as Jennifer Hudson, Fantasia Barrino and I became instant friends when we met for the first time.
Thank you Frankee! Best of luck in all your future endeavors.

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